The Combining Forecasting Model on the Condition of the Minimal Sum of the Error Tolerances 'Absolute Values and Its Application 基于误差绝对值之加权和最小的组合预测模型及其应用
Results indicate that: when minimal sum of within cluster distance is taken to be performance criterion, the above method is superior to K-means algorithm. 实验结果表明,当以类内样本距离之和作为评价准则时,该算法明显好于K-平均算法。
On the basis of estimating the critical fault state of generator set, the optimal maintenance schedule is determined according to minimal sum of the maintenance cost and the income loss. 在预估机组临界故障状态的基础上,以检修费用和电量收益损失总和最小为目标函数确定最佳检修时间。
The Lennard-Jones potential was utilized calculating system energy. The transition rule was according with minimal energy principle ( if the sum of difference of energy and undulation of energy is lower than zero the transition took placed.). 系统能量的计算利用了Lennard&Jones对势,转变规则依据热力学上的最小能量原理(转变前后的能量差加上一个能量起伏小于0则转变)。
To compare the validity of settlement prediction with different principia, superior combination forecasting based on forecasting effective measure is much better than the traditional combination forecasting, which modeled on the minimal value of error sum of squares or the deviation absolute sum. 不同机理的沉降预测方法组合时,以误差的平方和或离差绝对值之和最小为准则的组合预测不一定能如实地反映其有效性。
An algorithm for minimal sum of disjoint products of coherent functions 单调关联函数最小不交化的一种算法
The paper presents the technical economy assessment of CAPP system. Minimal sum of machining cost and quality loss cost is regarded as economical evaluation criterion of CAPP system; 研究CAPP系统的技术经济评价问题,提出将加工成本和质量损失成本总和最小作为CAPP系统的经济性评价指标;
By linearizing the friction cones, the computation of the contact forces with minimal sum of normal components can be transformed into a linear programming ( LP) problem. 早已知道,通过线性化摩擦锥,具有最小法向力之和的接触力的计算可转化为一个线性规划问题。